Monday, October 15, 2012

The Eye of Mooch

Gents...thank you for all your concern for my well being.  And sorry if I scared anyone for leaving the field without telling anyone.  New rule for all Orangemen...if you are injured, don't just up an leave.  Tell someone first.

OK, so basically I've got two bruises on my retina, ruptured some of the ligaments that hold the lens in place, and have some bleeding inside my eye...which is what caused me to lose sight for a period of time. 

What happens is your eye doesn't have to fill with blood, any amount will begin to cloud the fluid in your eye. I thought I was looking through a dirty contact lens...but no I was looking through my own blood. WHat was really weird was by the time I got to the ER I was completely blind in my left eye. Over time the body absorbs the blood back out and the fluid turns clear again...and that didn't take too long.  By the morning I could see almost clearly again.
I'm on bed rest through Weds...with a trip to the Ophthalmologist every day.  Any activity can cause the eye to rebleed and since you can't stop the bleeding with pressure you just have to hope it heels and stays healed.

The rupture to the ligaments that hold the lens in place will never heal and shouldn't really effect much unless I require eye surgery sometime later in my old age.

I'm not in any pain...worst part is the eye drops.  They have to paralyze the eye muscles so they don't the eye can heal.  Those eye drops hurt...sting and burn.  The drops have Boric and Hydrochloric acid in them.

Not much for me to do...just sit around...can't lift or bend or do much that could shake the eye etc.  Which is probably just as well since I've got a mild concussion that will just heal on its own.

This one's really got me thinking about how quickly an injury can be career ending...  However, it looks like I'm gonna make it through this one.  I will not be at the game this weekend...but I'll send out the Evite shortly.



1 comment:

  1. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I'm sure you'll play again.... to mom's horror. Try to look at the down time as well deserved rest.
